
class summary
cfobject This provides base functionality to all Mura core objects
configBean This provides access the global configuration
cryptUtility I provide easy access to Java's HMAC security / crypto methods
dbUtility This provides a CRUD utility manage database schemas
diffMatchPatch This provides a utilty to compare values
event This provides a utility to hold the contextual information related to code execution
executor This provides a utility to execute cfm file with tread safety
fckeditor Create an instance of the FCKeditor
fileWriter This provides a CRUD utility for the host file system
IniFile This provides a utility to read ini files
json deprecated
jsonSerializer This provides a way to serialize complext ColdFusion data values as case-sensitive JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) strings
mailer This provides a utility to send emails with site of global config settings
mailerLimited deprecated
MuraScope This provides a utility to access all Mura functionality
permission This provides module and content permissioning functionality
Portcullis This provides a utility to prevent injection attacks
publisher This provides a utility to import bundles
publisherKeys This provides a utility to map old to new imported key bundles values
queryParam This provides a utility to property bind an query attribute
queryTool This provides the ability to transforms a query into other data types
reCAPTCHA This provides the ability to interact with Google's reCaptcha functionality
servletEvent This provides specialized methods to the primary front end request event object
utility This provides global utility methods
Zip This provides a collections of functions that supports the Zip and GZip functionality by using the Java Zip file API